A Safe Haven For Exploration And Change.
Have you every wished you understood a concept in Christian Science with greater clarity?
Have you ever wondered how you could know so much about Christian Science, and yet not be demonstrating at the level of your awareness.
Get the answer.
I have been coaching and guiding Christian Scientists for many years as we discover together the absolute messages of Mrs Eddy, and translate them into today’s needs and terms.
With practical and useful tools to use to practice Christian Science that I have developed, you will re-discover the joy of knowing that in Christian Science we find the Truth, and as we gain increased understanding of that Truth, our lives shift to match our understanding.
Coaching with Beca Lewis has changed every area of my life for the better. Beca’s coaching skills are excellent. She is astute, intuitive, kind, practical, and expectant of change. The greatest benefit of working with Beca has been my experience of peace in the midst of shift and change. The peace is because the focus of her coaching is spiritual: there is one cause and creator and it is good. Coaching practical issues from a true spiritual perspective is powerful, and Beca does it extremely well. – Kathy Piper
The premise.
We will use Mary Baker Eddy’s teaching as the ground we stand upon, clearing away misunderstandings and mis-perceptions and revealing the truth that she taught.
I have been coaching and guiding now for almost 35 years.
Are you afraid to ask for help? I have struggled with this my whole life. Asking for help always represented a sign of weakness or failure of some kind on my part. I have learned, through the loving support and guidance that I receive from Beca Lewis and the ground breaking Woman’s Council that she leads, that the best possible thing one can do for oneself is to ASK FOR HELP! There is never any judgement. There is only respectful listening, kind and inspiring suggestions and ideas. It doesn’t matter if you are dealing with a personal issue, a business matter or something seemingly unimportant to anyone but you – you will feel the same sense of relief and gratitude that you asked for help! Try it! I highly recommend it.- Jamie Lykens
All sessions are designed specifically to meet your needs in a practical way. Because I work with each client on a personal basis what we cover in each session will be directed entirely by what you need to know and do in order to accomplish what you want to accomplish.
Thank you for giving birth to and teaching great methods to break the cycle and patterns of obsolescence! Thank you for opening and widening the sphere of consciousness to recognize Its true Mind-derived inheritance! Thank you for calling us back to true family wherein we become so genuinely familiar with each other as the divine Us, so connected, inter-related through understanding these universal ideas that are Us, so enabled to magnify this Light throughout and to truly “be fruitful and multiply” as is the actual meaning in the Genesis of our being!! – Linn Moffett
I surely would like to share with people the beauty and strength I have gained since reading the Shift work and to extoll your teaching abilities to put together a beautiful teaching of how to rebuild self-esteem, and put a life back together and change the outcome in life to one of Success and Joy!!! I’d say you are the best thing since sliced bread..and your enthusiasm for helping people is boundless. Clear, concise, precise… Blessings and Gratitude for your guidance in these times that are a challenge for me.- Merrilyn MC Elderry
During our together here’s what you will be receiving:
- One hour phone coaching sessions with me. How often depends on you. Usually it is every two weeks.
- Unlimited short consulting emails…because the work goes on between phone calls
- Assignments designed specifically for you
- Ongoing review and direction on projects based on your needs
- Access to all the materials and resources found on Perception U, plus pages and information developed specifically for consulting clients
- Specific training in the area you choose: which could include: business development, money issues, relationships. job development, personal purpose, website design, promotion, writing and publishing a book
- Access to my connections, lists, resources, ideas and people that I have accumulated through the years, that actually keep their promises and really work.
- I will walk you through whatever you know you want to use, or do, but don’t know how to.
If you are serious about changing how things are, and are willing to do the work, then this is for you. It may not be easy, but for sure it will be fun, exciting, challenging, and highly rewarding!
Beca’s words of wisdom always keep me going. She’s made a big difference in helping me make the transition to my new career. — Janis Hunt Johnson, CS
You get tangible and practical experience, you reveal to yourself what has been true all along, the divinity of yourself, and in doing so you will experience the joy and rewards of sharing your unique gift.
I think the most dramatic connection your thoughts, awareness, and style have to me, and so many others, strikes home for women: feel safe, lack of worry, finding comfort, and trusting what to do. Thank you…and God…for “being there.” Your candor and warm ease of communicating send an energy of security. Success comes in many guises and for me, you have rejuvenated my link to the All-that-Is. – Becky Reed, Montana
My intent is always for you to be who you are in the most successful, to you, manner possible. I have the skills, and years of training to help you with your immense possibilities.
Need to develop a marketable business/business service? Need to feel inspired? Beca has resources, information and experience. What I appreciate about Beca is her motive. Her premise is based on God First. – Michal McKeown
Will You Work Together With My Other Consultants Or Coaches and Practioners?
The work we do together will strength the work you might be doing with others. I can be your advocate with them. I can translate what you want to all business professionals, from designers to accountants.
I can make sure what you want to have happen, is what is actually occurring, and if not alert you to the differences.
If you, like many people, have been living your life for others, without beginning within from your own strengths and desires, this will be a new experience.
It will dramatically alter how life feels and the benefits you will receive from this new – and only way- to live will only grow more powerful as the years go by.
This is what I do, let me share it with you!
Let’s get started together revealing the life you are meant to live. Call me, (see link at the top of the page) or use form below to contact me and let’s find out together if what I offer is what you are looking for.
With much love,

Beca has changed my life. I look forward to see her emails in my in-box. “Living in Grace” is a book that has the potential to put in motion the mind-shift change the world needs right now! If every person who reads this book and passes the message on, how effortless our lives will be. Life can only change if we let it, and if we can make a conscious thought to allow this change. “Living In Grace” helps us realize that material things are not what makes us successful, it is in the acknowledgement of spiritual awareness and most importantly, the practice of “Living in Grace”!! Thank You Beca for your brilliance! – Michelle Seeparsad, South Africa
*Yes, I am a class taught Christian Scientist.
*Yes, I am a member of the mother church.
*No, I am not a practitioner, nor do I act as one. Instead healing takes place as you recognize and experience your innate and permanent perfection.
*No, I am not sanctioned by the mother church. However, I am referred by many people within the church.
*Yes, I blend other ideas and philosophies and science into our discussions because doing so increases the appreciation and understanding of Christian Science.
Can We Hire You As A Couple Or Team
YES! In fact this is a great idea! I will treat the couple or the team and a unit, and together we will accomplish your intent.
I’ve been a spiritual seeker for as long as I can remember. In my early twenties I was introduced to some wonderful works by Og Mandino, Stephen Covey, Napoleon Hill, and many others. I loved them then, and I love them now. Because I loved them, I believed in them, but for some reason I could never make that final leap to Success and what felt like Spiritual understanding. The workbooks, the guides, the lessons, would all sound so wonderful. I can hear myself shouting to myself, “THIS is the answer! THIS is where I begin to feel like I belong!” And yet, the habits would fall off and be forgotten, or replaced by the next workbook or outline or guide to follow. And again. And again. Then, I met Beca. We almost didn’t meet. I kept missing the appointment, once when I completely forgot. Once when I double booked myself and chose the other appointment. The third time I actually made it. Thank you, God. I’ve been reading, doing teleclasses with, meeting with, and coaching with Beca for years now. Beca has shown me how to put myself into the picture. She has shown me how to use what I see and learn and read in a way that works for me. She has helped me regain the love of my work, the work I was born to do but had lost that love of it. She didn’t show me my Spiritual Self. She didn’t tell me what that was, or give me an outline to follow to find it, really. Here’s what Beca did. She gave me a solid set of principles, spiritual laws, universal to us all, available to us all. And she has held my hand, loved me while I struggled with understanding, and been my biggest fan while I have questioned, sought, learned, fought, and accepted that I Am Living in Grace in every moment. – Jet Tucker, CPA
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