Do you love Christian Science and want a greater understanding and clarity about the Principles of Christian Science?
Perhaps you are new to Christian Science and want a greater understanding and clarity about the Principles of Love?
Either way, this is the perfect website to come to.
Why Christian Science Ideas?
When I was a young mother, living close to poverty, and passing from one relationship to another, I went “looking” for a Truth that I could share with my three children so we could grow spiritually together.
After years of searching, I discovered the amazing teaching of Mary Baker Eddy, and it transformed my life.
Ever since that moment of discovery, my desire has been to share her message of Christian Science in a way that would be of benefit to any serious seeker of Truth.
That desire first gave birth to a system called The Shift® which then evolved into my book, Living In Grace: The Shift To Spiritual Perception. Since then we have added many other tools to support your shift to spiritual perception.
The purpose of this site is not to convert anyone to the religion of Christian Science. Its purpose is to provide tools that shift thinking and perceptions away from a material, dualist version of the universe to the divine essence of the universe, the Principle of Love.
Everything we experience, in reality is God. Since that is not what we consistently experience, it is necessary to continue to study the words of Truth to become increasing clear about who we are and our relationship to the One Divine Mind.
The resources you will find here are designed to do just that. Enjoy them!

Begin with the book Living In Grace: The Shift to Spiritual Perception, and experience the shift in thought that rises above to see and experience what is meant by Divine Love.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact me using the form at the bottom of the page. I would love to hear from you!